The Poor is Rich with Ideas

Do you have an idea that you are afraid to execute? What exactly is stopping you? Have you buried it before even trying? Let’s talk about this doubt and fear you have. Or perhaps, the number of excuses you keep coming up with.

So what you’re poor or broke. You’re not the only one. As you can see, most people in this world have no pity for the poor. Know why? Because most of the world is poor. They have problems of their own. The good news is you don’t have to stay in that condition because being poor is a mentality, not a reality.

An idea is an Intelligently Decorated Epiphany Ascending. It goes through stages of development just like any great invention. First, it starts in the mind (conception). Next, it is nurtured with time and effort (planning). Then, it is executed with an effective plan (implementation). Finally, it is properly monitored and maintained (monitoring & controlling). But, it is also easily destroyed with doubt and fear triggered by negative thoughts, which can come from you or others (attrition).

Everyone was born with a gift and talent. I mean everyone. You just don’t realize what you have because you are too busy looking at what someone else has. You’re creating TikTok videos in your spare time. That’s media talent! You’re posting delicious looking gourmet meals prepared by you. That’s culinary talent! You’re posting makeup and hair tutorials you’ve learned by practice or just from watching videos. That’s beauty talent! You loving taking pictures at gatherings. That’s photography talent! Your ability to discover or recognize talent is a talent!

The idea of making a TikTok video showcased your videography skills. The idea of making a meal showcased your cooking skills. The idea of creating a tutorial showcased your beauty talent and gift of teaching. The idea of taking those pictures at the family reunion captured memories and revealed your photography skills. Now you need to research ways to make money from it, if that’s your passion.

Of course, ideas go beyond visual arts, cooking, and doing makeup and hair. I used those examples because many people do them for fun without realizing they are talents. Media classes can help turn your hobby into a career in marketing, advertising, and the like. Culinary school can help you become a certified chef. Cosmetology school can help you become a licensed beautician and business owner. You can become a licensed photographer, though you don’t need one in most places. You’ve already got the skill. All you need is professional, high-level equipment to get started.

If you’re serious about cultivating your idea, then you should start your research now. Talk to people who have successfully executed their plan, and surround yourself with positive energy. You don’t have to quit your day job. You just need to quit making excuses. But if your idea starts producing enough to replace your job, then you’ve scored big!

You don’t have to turn every hobby into an income. That can take the fun out of some activities. However, if money is an issue, you can use some of them to discover your niche and generate an extra income.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

Photo: Flickr. Idea by Angela_G

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Published by

Bianca A. McCormick-Johnson

In short, I'm a work of ART (Aptitude, Responsibility, & Talent). My goal is to Attract, Retain, and Teach an audience between the ages of 14 to about 50 and beyond the disciplines of life. I've been blessed with the gift of giving knowledge and creating peace within the souls of many who are starving for spiritual satisfaction. I'm no prophet, but I do believe that I am one of God's chosen spiritual leaders and sources of information on how to walk a straight path down a crooked road.

One thought on “The Poor is Rich with Ideas”

  1. Sooooo, yes I’ve buried it. Of all the people, in all the world, I shouldn’t be THIS afraid to put forth my idea. I’m so bold and so confident with almost every aspect in my life except for my inventions/ideas. This is new. This post has given me a new outlook on my identity.

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