When The Clock Struck 45

I turned 45 years old on June 14, 2024. I didn’t look or feel any different, but my attitude and energy about certain things suddenly changed. I didn’t manifest these changes. They just happened.

It is what it is…..

The people in my life still matter, but the inactive ones just don’t matter as much anymore. No love is lost. I’ve just lost interest in reaching. The phone works both ways. I still care. I just don’t care whether they call, text, or show up for special events. And if they don’t acknowledge the second invitation, they won’t get a third.

Time has shown me that people make time for who they want to make time for, and it doesn’t matter whether they’re broke, broken, struggling, or grieving. I’m not making any excuses for anyone anymore. I’m no longer that friend you can call only when you’re in need. It is what it is.

Your feelings are your problem…..

As a Gemini woman, I have a pretty sharp tongue. My words can be used with love, kindness, or encouragement. But they can also be used to cut deep into your skin if I feel threatened, mistreated, used, or played.

I have really spared my tongue over the years after becoming a published author because I didn’t want to tarnish my reputation. Nevertheless, biting my tongue has not made me rich and wealthy.

I learned that if people are a fan of you just the way you are, they really don’t expect anything less. My audience is not weak and sensitive. So if you’re reading this, then neither are you.

No one can cancel me for speaking my mind. I’m no famous celebrity and don’t aspire to be one, especially if it comes at the expense of giving up my voice. If I wanted to do that, then I wouldn’t have self-published.

It’s a good thing I no longer have an interest in expressing my opinion on social media because my classmates really wouldn’t like me then. But, the feeling would be mutual because I don’t like some of them anyway. Most of my followers are alumni, family, and a few friends, and I’m not trying to impress or spare the feelings of neither anymore. However, they should be mindful of what they say to me or how they approach me in person.

I’m so glad my maturity and peaceful life keeps anyone who doesn’t like me or have done me wrong from living rent free in my head. I’m too blessed to think twice about people who add no value to my life. My posts have become more visual and less wordy. Besides, a picture speaks more than a thousand words.

I’m not perfect, but I’m not pitiful either. I’m not conceited, but my attitude is undefeated. I’m not petty, but my words can be painful. I’m not a celebrity, but I’m a force to be reckoned with, so be careful with me.

I’m happy, joyful, peaceful, and I love life. To know me is a blessing. To have me as a friend is a gift. To lose me is one of the worst things you could ever do. I’m no longer in the business of saving friendships. Either you’re in or you’re out. My circle of love has no room for backsliders.

I love it here…..

I’m finally feel free! Free from worrying about what I look like (self-consciously). Free from worrying about who likes me or accepts me and who doesn’t. Free from making other people’s problems my own. Free from people- pleasing. Free from giving too much of myself. Free from trying to fit in where I don’t belong. And free from allowing people to play on my generosity and good heart.

Most of these freedoms didn’t just happen, but I thought I’d share them all. I’d love to hear what you’re free from, but please don’t comment, “you’ve been this or been that”. Let me have my victory. I can’t stand it when people make a situation about themselves when I’m expressing my feelings. It’s like if a friend of mine tells me she just got married and I reply, “I’ve been married for 26 years. What took you so long?”

Although I’m proud of my personal growth and development, I have no regrets about how I used to be. I’m glad I didn’t seek revenge. I’m glad I didn’t pray on anyone’s downfall. I’m glad I remained humble and obedient. God has shown favor to me and my family. Plus, he’s elevated me in ways I never could’ve imagined.

I’ve never been a follower, but I’ve always been a leader. I’ve always been friendly and helpful. I’ve always been loyal, loving, caring, kind, patient, and understanding. I’ve never torn people down. I’ve never hurt anyone intentionally. And I’ve always had nothing but good things to say to people, so I couldn’t understand why it was easy to attack a person like me? I guess having character and morals make you the weakest link.

I left out plenty good characteristics about myself because this blog would then turn into another book. My name speaks for itself, and I practice what I preach. I take accountability for my actions and apologize when I’m wrong – unlike most people. Sadly, I’ve still been hurt and rejected by family, friends, and classmates.

However, this isn’t a pity post because I’m still standing and an amazing person. That will never change. In fact, I get better every day. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I’m just doing one of the things I do best – expressing my feelings. Don’t be afraid to do the same.

“Love others, but love yourself more. People will finesse you with their words and fool you with their actions.”

-Bianca A. McCormick-Johnson ✍🏽

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Age Gracefully, Not Hatefully

Growing older is not a burden. It’s a blessing! Do you realize how many people didn’t make it to 50 or even 40? A gray hair is a life spared. A knee cracking is what’s happening. And a little gut is what’s up!

Ain’t nothing wrong with making home improvements or renovations, but there’s no need to remodel your home. It’s not dilapidated. It’s not raggedy. And it’s definitely not old. You’re seasoned, stable, mature, and marvelous!

You know what’s the cool thing about having gray hair? You now have a new look to add to your collection. Once that dye grows out or that rinse wears off, you’ve got natural salt and pepper growing in your own head. If you don’t have any gray hairs, then you’re not officially seasoned 😄

What in the world could be exciting about cracking knees? You no longer have to bend to anyone’s demands 😃 Saying no becomes a whole lot easier when your knees start speaking for you. As long as you can bend them enough to walk away from drama, you’re still in good shape.

How does a gut make you the stuff? Every time you suck in your stomach, you’re working your ab muscles and looking slimmer at the same time 😉. Seriously though, it forces you to make a lifestyle change. That gut surely didn’t come from dieting and exercising. Either you never started or you stopped a long time ago. If you’re not happy with it, be grateful that you’re still alive to do something about it. And if you can’t seem to, then improve an area that you can to make up for it😊

Bottom line, don’t waste your precious life beating yourself up about the little changes that come with age. Change what you can, but accept what you can’t. If surgery makes you happy, then don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it. But please be careful and understand the risks that come from doing so.

There’s somebody for everybody, so you really don’t have to change a thing. I haven’t seen too many supermodels at the alter exchanging wedding vows. Sagging tits, fat backs, flat backs, and pot bellies are still winning. So if you fit the description of any, then so are you.

Love your seasoned self but hate sin, for that is the only thing keeping us from being great.

“If you live long enough to tell your own story, then you’ll make the greatest accomplishment in life.”

-Bianca A. McCormick-Johnson ✍🏽

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