You are the Father!

It was a cold winter night. You were drinking. So was she. One thing led to another, and your lover conceived. When she tells you she’s pregnant, you reply, “For me?” If chickens can lay eggs, then so can she. No protection was used, yet you are wondering how it’s possible. If you would have put down that bottle, you wouldn’t have to face this obstacle.

Men, you have to take responsibility for your actions. You can enjoy the company of a female without getting her pregnant. If you didn’t trust her, then why did you sleep with her, let alone fail to use protection? Do you think you are exempt from catching STDs? There is no cure for HIV. And if there is, you probably can’t afford it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be all tense behind taking care of a child you claim is not yours. Women have it hard enough having to carry the child. It puts even more stress on her when the man she slept with denies her child.

Don’t let a one night stand turn you into a father you are not ready to be. That’s why there are so many illegitimate children in the world seeking the love and attention missing from the absent parent. This is especially true for young women. Do you ever wonder why some girls are easy or always have their hands out? It’s because a daddy is the first man in a girl’s life. He spoils her and treats her like a princess. When she becomes a woman, she doesn’t settle for empty love and does not need your handouts. The absence of this kind of love leads to a broken heart and empty pockets. Every female is different, of course, but this is true for many.

So if you are not ready to man up and take responsibility, keep it in your pants or wear protection next time. If you could never see yourself building a family with her, don’t even take the chance.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

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Photo: Flickr. Fatherhood by Mithun Das

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Your Biggest Supporter is…

If you want to achieve your goals in life, don’t count on others for support. You will find yourself disappointed and disgusted. If support is what triggers your success, then you are set up to fail. You have to understand the definition of a supporter. It is one who contributes to your success by fulfilling one simple task or request. For instance, a person who buys your product or service is a supporter. A person who tells someone about your product or service is a supporter. They are generally not required to do any more than that, unless you specify otherwise.

Don’t confuse people who support you with those who actually believe in you. People who believe in you are willing to go the extra mile. Many times, they will take the initiative to do things you haven’t asked them to. Sometimes, they are your friends, but many times, they are not. Strangers or associates sometimes believe in you more than your family, friends, and so-called supporters. If you can’t fathom that, it’s because they have led you to believe otherwise. I wouldn’t say that they are wrong for feeling the way they do. It’s just that success does not look good in its infancy stage. Plus, if you have a history of failures, it just makes it that much easier for a person not to believe in you. It comes easy for strangers and associates because they do not know what your track record looks like. Thus, if you sound convincing enough, they will lend their support and believe in you, as long as they can see that you believe in yourself.

So my advice is to not become discouraged when you discover that your supporters don’t believe in you. You haven’t proven yourself yet. Celebrities did not get all the love they do, until they became famous. Before many of them reached stardom, their support system was weak. Keep believing in yourself and taking the necessary steps toward your success. And when you get there, don’t shun those who didn’t support you; teach them how to get there.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear them.

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Photo: Flickr. You by Nick FullertonCC

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Spare the Negatives, Share the Positives

Have you ever seen a beat-down that didn’t go viral? That’s because people love to be entertained, even if it’s negative. Most of the time, it involves women and teenagers. While we are shaking our heads and sharing, what are we doing to promote change in our communities? It is not until one of our own loved ones get murdered behind those kind of incidents that we decide to speak up and show out. But oftentimes, it starts on social media. If you recognize any individual in those videos who seems to be antagonizing the situation, you should not encourage it; in fact, you should find a way to address the problem. A simple conversation can go a long way. Quite often, the antagonist is an adult. That is totally unacceptable! People are behaving in this manner because they think it is okay. But I am here to tell you that it is never okay to showcase or promote a beating on social media. It does not matter who started it. No one deserves this type of humiliation. These kids are feeling like champions on the Internet, yet they feel challenged when taking a standardized test. As you can see, it still takes a village to raise children.

Women, we have got to do better. No college offers a degree in twerking, and having cat fights over men is not classy. Moreover, if your rear end is your biggest asset, you will surely retire broke. Twerkers, the time it takes for you to create and upload those senseless videos of you shaking your behind, you could be pursuing a career as a choreographer. You’ve got the fundamentals. Bad girls who love to fight, take that energy to the ring and make some money. Lela Ali never has to fight again. Booty and beyond, have you considered starting your own modeling agency? You could create a new category. You should even consider starting your own clothing line for curvy women like yourself.

Take a few minutes and assess your own behavior, so that you can see where you may have fallen through the cracks. It’s okay that you are not perfect. Neither am I. Even some plants lose their perfect shape over time, especially if they lack nutrition. Feed your soul with proper nutrition, and watch how things start to change in your life. In the meantime, spare the negative media, and share the positives. You may be helping someone without realizing it.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear them.

Submit topics suggestions using the “Contact Me” page.

Photo: Flickr. Fighting by DiscutivoCC

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