I’ve Earned This Body

You see this bulge in my belly.
My four kids did that.
If it wasn’t such a blessing,
It wouldn’t be called baby fat.

That fat hanging off my sides.
It aint’ called love handles for nothing.
I may not be your Ebony model,
But I’m a trophy to my husband.

You see that fat on my back?
I didn’t ask for that.
But it matches my rump shaker,
Which cuts my jeans no slack.

These arms might jiggle a little.
My walk now has a lil wiggle.
But ain’t nothing unhealthy about me,
As long as my tummy doesn’t triple.

Being unfit doesn’t make you unhealthy.
Being trim doesn’t make you a gem.
You’re as healthy as you feel
And as sexy as the slimmest of them.

If your skin ain’t tight,
Hit the gym or ride a bike.
But don’t let those surgical bodies
Cause you to lose sight.

Look your best and feel your best.
Worrying too much causes stress.
Spanks and shapers ain’t going nowhere,
So consider yourself blessed.

Train that waist, shed them wings,
Wrap them thighs and live the dream.
Whether your waist is club 20 or 30,
You’ve earned your self-esteem.

You can’t change everything about yourself.
Some areas are okay, and some need a little help.
Seek natural alternatives instead,
They’re much safer and better for your health.

If it ain’t homegrown, then leave it alone.
Nurture your trouble areas and keep your core strong.
You don’t have to be perfect when everyone else is flawed.
Applaud yourself for being healthy and not guilty of fraud.

It ain’t all about the booty.
It ain’t all about your figure.
Why short-change yourself,
When your worth is so much bigger.

The change is short, so you gotta be smart.
Doctors are winning, not you.
For big ole bucks, you get a quick fix
That doesn’t hold longer than glue.

Even celebrities are having regrets,
So take heed to their mistakes.
Invest more into yourself than a body that’s fake.

If you’ve already made the change,
I’m not bashing you.
Your new figure looks great,
And hopefully the walk you choose.

I’m here to uplift those who are thinking about it
And willing to take drastic measures,
Like taking chances with doctors, who have no public record.
And those who just can’t afford it and hide behind an avatar
Because people might shame and cause them to forget who they are.

So this is certainly not for you.
You’ve already made your decision.
But your confidence was somewhat compromised
Before you made the transition.

Correct me if I’m wrong because I’m not here to diss-
If something other than confidence made you take that risk.
Your reason is your business, and I wouldn’t dare pry.
I just want to help those women who are hurting deep inside.

You make it look so easy.
You flaunt it all so well.
They’re eager to take that risk.
So they too can show and tell.

It’s easy to love your new body.
And strut it the way you do.
But the things some women are dealing with
Are much bigger than you.

Now back to my unfit women and those who are overweight.
Stop complaining about your body and get back in shape.
Nah, that new body won’t make him commit.
And it surely won’t make him stay.
I’ve seen the baddest women,
Get used and thrown away.

Go for the challenge and be a challenge.
Men love to compete.
Do just enough to be healthy because confidence is the key.

If you love yourself, grace your space, and it will show in your walk.
He’ll treat you like a queen and actually listen when you talk.
Let your attitude be on “fleek” and your beauty bars will rise,
When you’ve earned your body, you don’t need a disguise.

Now don’t go clowning skinny women
Now that you feel good about yourself.
Continue on with your regimen
And leave negativity on the shelf.

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Published by

Bianca A. McCormick-Johnson

In short, I'm a work of ART (Aptitude, Responsibility, & Talent). My goal is to Attract, Retain, and Teach an audience between the ages of 14 to about 50 and beyond the disciplines of life. I've been blessed with the gift of giving knowledge and creating peace within the souls of many who are starving for spiritual satisfaction. I'm no prophet, but I do believe that I am one of God's chosen spiritual leaders and sources of information on how to walk a straight path down a crooked road.

2 thoughts on “I’ve Earned This Body”

  1. Hey I remember seeing you at Franklin Avenue Baptist Church after service and that’s how I was able to get your book, read and hold on to it .

    1. Cool. Send me a message through my contact page, and I will send you a reply. Put “hi” in the subject area.

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