Pat Yourself On The Back

“I’ve worked hard on that report, yet you offered no support. I even stayed after hours because my days seemed short. I was so into my work, so I didn’t keep track of time. I really wanted to impress you, but you paid me no mind. If you knew the effort I put forth, you would’ve said more than “thanks”. I guess the next time I’ll just have to fill in the blanks.”

I know it feels good when someone tells you “good job” or “keep up the good work”, but sometimes you have to pat yourself on the back. Top level employees often do not realize how hard lower level employees work and how just an ounce of appreciation can increase employee morale. It can also determine whether or not an employee will pursue longevity with that employer. So in other words, a simple sign of gratitude can increase employee morale and decrease turnover. If you think about it, employees would get more work done with less complaining and complaints against them. Employers can relax knowing that their business is in good hands, and they don’t have to spend so much time and money hiring new employees. It’s a win win! People who love their jobs usually don’t leave them.

Some employers are great at extending their appreciation, whereas others are not. They haven’t learned the simple formula yet, and maybe they never will. If you work for one of them, you’ll have to learn to pat yourself on the back until you find an employer that will recognize your contributions to the company. No employee should ever feel under-appreciated because a business cannot fully function without employees. However, because you need your job to sustain your living, keep up the good work and be the invisible hand that motivates you.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

Photo: Flickr Accepting Yourself by BKCC

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Fear Lives Forever, But You Don’t

Fear will always be present, as long as you continue to make room for it. It’s taking up needed space because you don’t have the courage to serve it an eviction notice. How long will you let it keep you from fulfilling your dreams and aspirations? Do you have any idea of how much rent you could be collecting for that space? By the time you realize it, your time will be up.

I learned that fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real. It leaks into your mind and causes you to believe that something exists when it really doesn’t. Fear of rejection can keep you from applying for a promotion or position. Fear of losing can keep you from entering a contest. Fear of failing can keep you from going back to school. Fear of dying can keep you from living. I reiterate. Fear of dying can keep you from living! If you spend your whole life in fear, you will never apply for that promotion! You will never enter that contest! You will never go back to school, and you will never live your life to its full potential because of some false notion that you couldn’t do it!

People who fear dying like to live spontaneous lives. Thus, they spend all their money trying to do everything on their bucket list, without a dime to save for the future. Many don’t even have life insurance. If you do not have a terminal illness, there’s no reason you should be afraid to achieve your goals. If all you’ve done was had fun, you haven’t fulfilled your purpose in life because you were too afraid. Now you’ve lived past 50 and realized you could’ve been that nurse, school teacher, police officer, or lawyer playing an important role in society. Instead, you buried the idea in fear.

Fear does not dissipate. Like energy, it gets transferred. The absence of fear is faith. If you lose your faith, fear can easily creep its way back in. You will learn more about faith in my book, “I’m G.O.O.D.”, to be released in July of 2016.

And remember…
“Make sense of what you do, and make every cent count.”

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Photo: Flickr. Dreams-Fears by Pati MorrisCC

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