Block Evil Before You Become The Next Victim

Why is it okay for people we love to hurt others, as long as we are not the victims? Did you know it could be just a matter of time before they hurt you?

Some stuff really isn’t our business and should not become our problem, but that does not make it okay either. For instance, if your friend is cheating on her husband, you shouldn’t get involved. But you can encourage your friend to seek other ways of dealing with her marital problems before the situation turns out bad.

Nevertheless, if your friend openly admits to being a scammer and you say nothing about it, then you’re a part of the problem. As long as she’s not scamming you (yet), that does not make her behavior okay. You should tell your friend she is wrong and needs to stop immediately. Go a step further and disassociate yourself with her if she doesn’t stop. Otherwise, when she does it to you, you cannot say she didn’t show you who she was.

A relationship is only healthy when positive energy flows in both directions. Associating with a person who has negative energy or evil intentions is no different from listening to bad music. Whether you realize it or not, you are being negatively influenced, and no relationship is worth the risk.

If you happen to hit a rough patch, you just might think about how your friend got away with her last scam and consider it. You may not act on it, if you’re strong-willed and have morals. However, the thought probably would not have crossed your mind had you not been entertaining your scamming friend.

Evil is not limited to friendships. Some people are sleeping with the enemy; hopefully, not you. That influence is more dangerous than the friendship. It’s easier to pick up on bad habits of one you sleep with every day. More so, you are likely to become the next victim. Leave that relationship before it’s too late. If you’re married to that person, you should seek spiritual intervention.

Good always wins. It may not seem like it in some instances, but you will gain peace of mind and sleep better at night. And that’s what counts.

“You’re only as good as the company you keep. Be the change you want to see in your circle.”

-Bianca A. McCormick-Johnson ✍🏽

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Bianca A. McCormick-Johnson

In short, I'm a work of ART (Aptitude, Responsibility, & Talent). My goal is to Attract, Retain, and Teach an audience between the ages of 14 to about 50 and beyond the disciplines of life. I've been blessed with the gift of giving knowledge and creating peace within the souls of many who are starving for spiritual satisfaction. I'm no prophet, but I do believe that I am one of God's chosen spiritual leaders and sources of information on how to walk a straight path down a crooked road.

3 thoughts on “Block Evil Before You Become The Next Victim”

  1. Well stated! It’s crucial to shield and protect yourself every day to prevent unnecessary drama and negative energy. Intervention with suggestions and solutions instead of judgment is key to encourage change and positivity. Rock on!

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